Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Gotcha Day!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes that is right we got him. The baby house director surprised all of us at the end of our visit today by releasing our son. We were in disbelief and questioned the caregivers, his doctor and then the director to confirm it. We officially had to wait until this Saturday so this was amazing news. It has not even hit us yet I think but it is so great to have him here with us. We got to feed him lunch, take him to our translator's mother's Cafe, and put him down for a nap. Next we try his first bath to make him smell like a baby finally. We can not be more happy that this day has finally come. We are now full time parents not just visitors. He slept in my arms most of the ride home and I could not stop looking at him. When he did wake up we just stared at each other for a while and then he looked around a bit. So this is our ride home from the hospital, WELCOME HOME SON!


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